Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Rain Day Blue Balls

So today is the 3rd Wednesday in a row that it has continously rained, premarriage I would never have complained about the rain.  During the premarriage phase of a relationship rain is awesome you spend your day naked, I would say in bed but not necessarily in bed, having great sexual experimention with your sexy fiancee.  But now 6 months after being married it has changed.  Rainy days are spent across the room from one another fully dressed and doing our own thing.  Is this because the sex is getting old, or is it because we are getting old?  Well lets face facts people:  Sex never gets old,  Hell yes we are getting old but we are getting old together which is why we got married in the first place because we love each other deeply and wanted to grow old together just wasn't expecting to grow old this quick.  Yes marriage isn't about sex it is about being soulmates, and best friends, sex is just a perk.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let Me Introduce You to My BoomStick

Today's discussion is the top 5 places to "go postal"

1. Walmart-Seriously have you seen the way people dress going there and how rude they are.
2. Traffic Jams-Drivers are terrible around here.  Just remember when you start shooting there is no place for them to run but this also applies to your get away.
3. DMV- They licenses the above people so they just deserve it.
4.Courthouse- Most people there are criminals or lawyers so who would really care.
5.Movie Theater-Go ahead forget to silence your cell ringtone is louder than yours motherfucker......

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hell...Yes I said "Hell"

Ok so like 3 weeks ago I told my landlord that my AC unit is icing over when it runs for a significant length of time.  Now this isn't anything unusual at my house.  Usually at the begining of summer he has to come over and recharge the AC unit.  Well he hasn't done it yet and of course it is hotter than hell/fuck outside today.  So to say the least my balls are good and sweaty and I can't get cooled off. Of course this is the same landlord who has told me for a year that he was going to fix the back deck.  Of course I am moving out in the next few weeks so do you think they give a shit if my AC is working "HELL NO!"  I bet he fixes it for the new tenant though ( of course she has breasts instead of balls).  Mean time I will hang out with my beautiful wife with my sweaty stinky ball sack, you know that wont make her happy.  And if the wife isn't happy that means I am cut off, so not only is my balls not happy my penis isn't happy as well.  Do you think if I mention that to my landlord he would fix my fucking AC?  Doubt!  So I hope the rest of the world is enjoying a sweaty ball free day.

Just getting started

Well I thought I would give blogging a try.  Just be aware I am not an English major, writer, or in the least bit creative.  So this will be just like the title says 'ramblings".  I will discuss my day to day thoughts, some will piss you off, some you will think is funny and others will just make you think I am completely crazy. Mostly I am going to discuss human nature and the fact that I just hate people in general.  Life sucks we all know it but why do we as human beings have to make life more difficult than it already is.